Where You Come From

Do You Come From This?

Or from this?


Recognizing the difference is critical to your understanding of yourself… of your neighbor… of America.

The fundamental premise of America is that your rights… your authority for your life doesn’t come from other people. It comes from your Creator.

We often use different words for that. Some might say “the universe,” or “molecular evolution,” or “God,” or something else. I really prefer the term Nature (sometimes Mother Nature) because we alllllllll agree that Nature definitely exists. It’s a commonality in our multitude of belief systems, a place we can start in our conversations and actually agree! (Quite the rarity, these days!)

If Nature created you, then it’s Nature who decides the rules.

Other people’s opinions - even if they’re written down on paper as man-made “laws” - don’t hold water compared to Mother Nature’s say-so. She’s the supreme court of all supreme courts.

Mankind possesses rights antecedent to all earthly government.
Rights that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws.
Rights derived from the great Legislator of the universe.
— John Adams, 2nd U.S. President

This is the beginning of liberty. The beginning of freedom. The self-evident basis for all of our equality.

Which is the basis for a healthy frame of mind. When you are living in a natural environment with true freedom and equality, you are naturally incentivized to create your best outcomes, which begin by making your best decisions.

This culminates in a healthy individual, and then a healthy societally overall, both mentally and physically.

It’s hard for us to really believe… because we’ve really never (perhaps rarely, if ever) actually seen true freedom and true equality given to people. We’ve really only seen inequalities, which have self-created all the conflicts and tumults we’re so accustomed to.


To understand America is to understand yourself.


America Needs a Reset